

Abigail about me Action Adventure Amara Annette Anson Arayoo Arthur Ashlynn Book Release Brendell Bubba Cairn Calack Cavel Chipry Chras code Coran Cover Reveal Crag Creda Daegal DOMS Duma Dunnel Fantasy Fenna Ferek Frackle Galia Garlar Gatooli Gemma Geralt Gisela Griff Grollok Hartol Havik Jaku Kadero Kaia Katan Kesq Kethral Kevin Klaus Kricoo Leena Lobo Lolan Luvon Lyndon Malcolm Marv Master Tavish Mila Mother Mystery Nadira Palem Paranormal Porthos Progress Update Quetza Raffa review Riak Rodrigo Self Publishing Seth Sillius Simone Skaith Sparr Sprig Srak Sungura Talia Tallesia Tarnall The Wonderful Dead Thrask Tibil Tigala Torm Tula'be Vern Victor Wadu Wallace Wikith Zef

21 Results

Jan 2023 - Porgress Update

Happy New Years! I know, I'm a few days late, but I still wanted to say it. Over the past month, I have been working hard on editing Sprig - Book #2. And although I am super close to meeting my estimated release date, I am going to be just a littl... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Sprig is Finished! What's Next?

It's finally here! The end of Sprig. It's been a long road, but the story finally came to a conclusion last month. This was a massive achievement for me as Sprig was my first full story, and I'm really happy with it. It was definitely a learning e... Read More

2 Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: April 2021

Sprig is back! To make it happen, I spent the month of April writing as many words as I could handle. By the end of it, I had written over 50,000 words, and 23 new chapters, easily beating my previous monthly record of 30,225 words. Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: March 2021

It's been a while since I've done one of these, but now is as good a time as ever to start them back up. I don't have any graphs to show off this month because most of my time was spent planning the end of Sprig. But I do still have news! First of... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig DOMS

Sprig is Going on Hiatus

Hi everyone, Yes, as the title says, I will, unfortunately, be putting Sprig on hiatus for a little bit. I hate to do it, but I think it is the best route forward for me and all of you who are reading it. The main reason for the break is that I a... Read More

1 Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: July 2020

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of July 2020. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 11,994 Words Published: 13,893 Chapters Written: 5 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 13.7 Fi... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: June 2020

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of June 2020. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 15,103 Words Published: 13,204 Chapters Written: 6 Chapters Published: 5 Last Published Chapter: 13.1 In... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: May 2020

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of May 2020. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 3,545 Words Published: 12,739 Chapters Written: 2 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 12.2 Drac... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: April 2020

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of April 2020. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 10,501 Words Published: 14,939 Chapters Written: 4 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 11.2 C... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: March 2020 (and why I write)

March was another slow month for me. Writing is hard. Maybe you're a writer and you totally get what I mean. If you're not, the idea of writing is great. I constantly have things in my head that I want to convey or symbols that I want to use. But putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, is much Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: February 2020

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of February 2020. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 15,322 Words Published: 23,938 Chapters Written: 5 Chapters Published: 9 Last Published Chapter: 9.3... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: January 2020

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of January 2020. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 30,225 Words Published: 13,974 Chapters Written: 12 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 7.4... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: December 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of December 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 10,595 Words Published: 12,210 Chapters Written: 5 Chapters Published: 5 Last Published Chapter: 6.6... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: November 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of November 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 9,004 Words Published: 14,511 Chapters Written: 3 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 6.1 ... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: October 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of October 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 15,080 Words Published: 14,280 Chapters Written: 6 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 5.3 ... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: September 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of September 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 11,657 Words Published: 14,991 Chapters Written: 5 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 4.... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: August 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of August 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 13,482 Words Published: 17,259 Chapters Written: 6 Chapters Published: 7 Last Published Chapter: 3.4 S... Read More

2 Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: July 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of July 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 11,243 Words Published: 13,163 Chapters Written: 5 Chapters Published: 6 Last Published Chapter: 2.3 Bind L... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: June 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of June 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 10,244 Words Published: 10,023 Chapters Written: 5 Chapters Published: 5 Last Completed Chapter: 2.6 Interl... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: May 2019

Here are the writing stats for Sprig at the end of May 2019. To see my progress in other months click here. This Month Words Written: 10,566 Words Published: 0 Chapters Written: 4 Chapters Published: 0 Last Completed Chapter: 2.6 Interlude: Lolan... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig

Progress Update: April 2019

I have decided to retroactively add in monthly status updates here so that you can track my progress in writing Sprig and get some more in-depth statistics in the writing process. This is the first in the series, and once I catch up to the present... Read More

Tags: Progress Update Sprig


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