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3 Results

16.3 Cypress

16.3 Cypress

"Really?" I said, a little too hopeful. "My father's name was Lyndon, and my mother was Marigold." Palem's eyebrows rose. "Oh, um. Hmm. The names don't ring a bell. Was there anything else notable about them?" Notable? I wasn't sure what that woul... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Coran Palem Kadero Bubba
16.2 Cypress

16.2 Cypress

I approached the group of Treeks, my heart beating heavy in my chest. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't want to expect anything, given my last run-in with a Treek, but I couldn't keep myself from dreaming about the family I could find. They w... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Brendell Marv Coran Palem Kadero Bubba
10.7 Interlude: Malcolm

10.7 Interlude: Malcolm

It was annoying that he had to do this every day. Malcolm had better things to be doing. But it would all be worth it once it was all said and done. A minor inconvenience for a better world. A world without hatred. So, as annoying as it was, he sa... Read More

1 Tags: Havik Kadero Gisela Annette Arthur


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