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4 Results

12.6 Dracaena

12.6 Dracaena

"He should be stable now," said the apothecary. "Are you sure? We can't wake him up? There's nothing else we can do?" I asked. I didn't want to just leave him like that. Raffa was still unconscious with his upper arm now wrapped in the cleanest cl... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Galia Lobo Marv Cavel Cairn Kricoo Simone Geralt Luvon Leena
12.2 Dracaena

12.2 Dracaena

"Ahh! Hot! Hot!" yelled Galia after a moment. Around us, the plants I had grown were barely upright. They hung limp and wilted while others turned to molten drops of sap and fell around us. Galia danced in place holding his arm with some of that b... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Galia Luvon Leena
11.6 Chrysanthemum

11.6 Chrysanthemum

I woke up early the next morning not feeling well. I had dreams throughout the night of my parents. It was a topic I didn't like to dive back into in detail. Maybe I ate something bad or maybe my emotions from the previous night were making my st... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Tallesia Galia Luvon Leena
11.2 Chrysanthemum

11.2 Chrysanthemum

We hopped out of the tree and crept past a sleeping Tigala and Zef on our way over to the tent. It was eerie, walking through the dense fog in the middle of the night. No one else was up except for a few guards patrolling the walls. With the rate ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Lolan Tallesia Galia Luvon Leena


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