

Abigail about me Action Adventure Amara Annette Anson Arayoo Arthur Ashlynn Book Release Brendell Bubba Cairn Calack Cavel Chipry Chras code Coran Cover Reveal Crag Creda Daegal DOMS Duma Dunnel Fantasy Fenna Ferek Frackle Galia Garlar Gatooli Gemma Geralt Gisela Griff Grollok Hartol Havik Jaku Kadero Kaia Katan Kesq Kethral Kevin Klaus Kricoo Leena Lobo Lolan Luvon Lyndon Malcolm Marv Master Tavish Mila Mother Mystery Nadira Palem Paranormal Porthos Progress Update Quetza Raffa review Riak Rodrigo Self Publishing Seth Sillius Simone Skaith Sparr Sprig Srak Sungura Talia Tallesia Tarnall The Wonderful Dead Thrask Tibil Tigala Torm Tula'be Vern Victor Wadu Wallace Wikith Zef

5 Results

12.3 Dracaena

12.3 Dracaena

People were beginning to see the destruction that a dragon could cause. It was devastating. With every flame, there were more ruined buildings. With each swipe of its claws was the loss of another life. And despite the threat that people faced, th... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Raffa Sungura Dunnel
12.1 Interlude: Zef

12.1 Interlude: Zef

Zef looked at his empty plate, sad that he had already finished the dish. It was nice to take a day off the day before and fill his belly, but he still wished he had more. "Weren't the girls supposed to be back by now?" asked Lolan. "Eh, who know... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Sungura Dunnel
8.4 Ivalace - Srak

8.4 Ivalace - Srak

Another meeting with the representatives. Srak looked around at each of them. The Elf was too confident, believing she was actually doing something here. Tallesia was giddy with her false power. The Dwarf always felt like his people were getting ... Read More

1 Tags: Tibil Tallesia Kethral Srak Sillius Sungura Simone Chras
7.5 Rest

7.5 Rest

I looked in the direction Raffa was staring and the forest was alive with creatures. An army of woodland and jungle animals charged through trees and underbrush. Among them were a rhinoceros, an elephant, a giant eagle, a gorilla, a towering warth... Read More

3 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Lolan Lobo Torm Raffa Marv Abigail Crag Talia Sungura Cavel Dunnel Cairn
4.3 Interlude: Sillius

4.3 Interlude: Sillius

"She's dead! Are you really questioning me on this? They killed her," yelled someone near the back gate of the colony. A small Gnome went running toward it. He turned the corner to find a large boar-like Beastfolk holding a limp black and white p... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Zef Rodrigo Tibil Srak Lobo Sillius Sungura


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