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9 Results

20.7 Ash

20.7 Ash

In an instant, the magic in the room flickered. Sparks of purple and white shot out in random directions. Images of people from my memories appeared, making no noise and disappearing just as quickly as they came. Portals appeared in random locatio... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Geralt Klaus Sparr Kesq
20.6 Ash

20.6 Ash

We stood in the room staring at the center of the purple veins pulsing with magic. In the corner was a dead Human, rotted and decayed from the time since she had made this magical beacon. I looked at Kesq. "So what do we do now? I guess Sillius s... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Klaus Sparr Kesq
20.5 Ash

20.5 Ash

The house sat on top of the hill looming over the town like a dragon watching over its lair. It was old, with planks of wood siding falling off. Not a single window was still intact and the paint was mostly gone. The roof displayed several arched... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Klaus Sparr Kesq
20.4 Ash

20.4 Ash

They had been up there for about half an hour when we finally saw wyverns coming down toward us. I was nervous that it wasn't them and wild wyverns were coming down to devour us while our group was split up, but we weren't that unlucky today. Tig... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Sillius Klaus Sparr Kesq
20.3 Ash

20.3 Ash

"You don't understand," I said. "We have to tell the others about this." "I don't think you understand," said Kesq. "This is very powerful magic. It has the potential to change the world. We can't just go around telling anybody about it. That's wh... Read More

Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Srak Sillius Amara Cairn Palem Klaus Sparr Kesq Porthos
20.1 Ash

20.1 Ash

What do we do now? It was the question all of us had been thinking. It had only been two days since Briqor was destroyed, and five more towns and cities had been leveled since then. What were we supposed to do? We only had small armies in comparis... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Rodrigo Tallesia Sillius Klaus Sparr
16.5 Cypress

16.5 Cypress

The Avian's eyes flickered white, and then back to normal. "How do you know Zef?" I asked, more angrily than I had intended. The crane looked at me. "He's an old friend." His eyes flickered white again as he looked at me. Then, after a pause, he s... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Marv Abigail Geralt Klaus Sparr
16.4 Cypress

16.4 Cypress

I left the Treeks behind me, climbing the rubble up to the level where the others searched and helped people that were buried and injured. I wasn't sure what to do. I could help, but I didn't have the piles of dirt that Palem and Kadero did. I did... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Geralt Klaus Sparr
9.7 Interlude: Klaus

9.7 Interlude: Klaus

Shayde Mortem had grown in power. Many years he devoted his life to magic. He trained in all of the various magical disciplines. It is unknown which he started with, but it was assumed to be one of the elemental magics, which came easier to him. ... Read More

2 Tags: Klaus Sparr


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