
Sprig (Book #3) - Book Release!

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Sprig (Book #3) is now available in Paperback, Hardcover, and eBook format at all of your favorite marketplaces! Check it out at the links above, and don't forget to leave a review to help others find Sprig!

And that's it! Sprig is officially complete, and I am really proud of it! But this isn't the end. I have hundreds of stories in me, and I'm just getting started.

I know better than to promise one idea or another at this point, and I also don't have any dates for you. I am still figuring out my rhythm as a writer and I don't want to make promises until I have a clear idea of what you can expect. But I will say this: I am going to write more stories and they are only going to get better from here. I said I was going to write and complete Sprig back in 2019, and although it has been a long journey, I did what I had set out to do. And I learned so much along the way. You can be sure that I'll do the same with my future stories.

So if you want to come along for the ride, make sure to subscribe! You'll even get a free subscriber gift package with exclusive Sprig content!

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think about Book #3 in the comments!


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