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8 Results

21.5 Interlude: Geralt

21.5 Interlude: Geralt

Kaia lumbered off into the battle sitting at the center of the awkward leggy vine suit, with Lolan sitting on her shoulder and Tigala just behind them. Man, they sure are cool, thought Geralt. It was hard not to be excited fighting alongside them... Read More

Tags: Palem Bubba Geralt Kesq Porthos
18.5 Oak

18.5 Oak

The magic slammed into the vine creature and it instantly began to grow. It grew taller and denser, faster than anything I could have done on my own. I was already canceling the magic in anticipation of things going horribly wrong, but it still wa... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Palem Bubba Kesq Grollok
18.4 Oak

18.4 Oak

I really wished we brought a Saurian with us today to convince her that we weren't dangerous. The Saurian breathed heavily as she realized she was outnumbered. Her eyes darted around, and then she turned and ran. She swept her arm down as quickly... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Palem Bubba Kesq Grollok
18.3 Oak

18.3 Oak

"So, what do you think Brendell is going to do as soon as he wakes up?" I asked Lolan as we walked. The forest floor was chewed up and muddy, showing that we must be close to the wandering forest. "Honestly, he'll probably try and kill me again," ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Palem Bubba
18.2 Oak

18.2 Oak

"What do we know so far?" I asked. We sat in the center of a large room of what looked like a library. The books that littered the ground were barely recognizable now. After being waterlogged for hundreds of years, it made sense. Several people I ... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Kethral Cavel Arayoo Palem Bubba Porthos
17.1 Hazel

17.1 Hazel

"I believe," said Klaus as he finished relaying the visions, "that the book that he found may have belonged to Shayde Mortem. If the carving on the back of this medallion is any clue, he might be a direct descendant." "What was in the book?" yell... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Tallesia Sillius Palem Bubba Geralt Klaus Porthos
16.3 Cypress

16.3 Cypress

"Really?" I said, a little too hopeful. "My father's name was Lyndon, and my mother was Marigold." Palem's eyebrows rose. "Oh, um. Hmm. The names don't ring a bell. Was there anything else notable about them?" Notable? I wasn't sure what that woul... Read More

1 Tags: Kaia Coran Palem Kadero Bubba
16.2 Cypress

16.2 Cypress

I approached the group of Treeks, my heart beating heavy in my chest. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't want to expect anything, given my last run-in with a Treek, but I couldn't keep myself from dreaming about the family I could find. They w... Read More

2 Tags: Kaia Tigala Lolan Rodrigo Brendell Marv Coran Palem Kadero Bubba


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